Sunday, February 28, 2016


My voice wears ripped jeans and dark colored shirts. My voice is a young person, maybe in their late teens or twenties. They always have a spark in their eyes no matter what. My voice is a fantastical and geeky person. My voice likes to skip and walk, not particularly running, unless they absolutely have to, and maybe not even then. They like to keep talking about everything in detail, to the point where someone would be uncomfortable with all the unnecessary information. My voice gets off topic in conversations but somehow ends up back to the original topic. My voice likes old cars but prefers to drive the newer models. They are very much not conservative when discussing politics and may not seem to know what they’re talking about but in reality know much. My voice tries to be the funny one but ends up being everything else except that, whether it’s creepy, weird, or awkward. My voice is the kind of person to silently add input in someone else’s conversation and accidentally end up saying it out loud, making it awkward for them and the other people. They also are over-dramatic and can be a drama queen at times and then gets upset when you end up being dramatic back. My voice is normally a care-free, laid-back person but can get really serious very quickly.

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